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    明星 利奥尔·阿什肯纳齐
    利奥尔·阿什肯纳齐 261
    出生地:以色列,拉马干生日:1969-12-28 影人简介   Lior Ashkenazi (born in Ramat Gan, 1969), is an award-winning Israeli sc
    • 中文名:利奥尔·阿什肯纳齐
    • 别名:未知
    • 性别:
    • 身高:未知
    • 体重:未知
    • 地区:未知
    • 星座:摩羯座
    • 血型:未知
    • 生日:1969-12-28
    • 出生地:以色列,拉马干
    • 职业:未知
    • 毕业院校:未知
    • 代表作品:狐步舞 脚注 水中漫步 我的军中情人2 诺曼 
      Lior Ashkenazi (born in Ramat Gan, 1969), is an award-winning Israeli screen and stage actor.  Lior ("Louis") Ashkenazi was born to Jewish immigrants from Turkey who moved to Israel in 1964. He grew up in the Neveh Yehoshua neighborhood in Ramat Gan. His father, Shmuel, worked as a printer. His mother, Victoria, was a housewife. His parents spoke Ladino at home. At the age of 16, in the wake of problems in school, he moved to Kibbutz Regavim.  In the Israel Defense Forces, he served as a paratrooper. He studied acting at Beit Zvi. After graduating in 1994, he worked for Habima and Beersheba Theater. He starred in many plays at Beit Lessin Theater under the direction of Zipi Pines, one of his teachers at Beit Zvi. He also appeared with the Cameri Theater in Tel Aviv, although Beit Lessin remained his home base.  Ashkenazi was married to actress Shira Farber. They have a daughter, Ellie. After his divorce, he had a long relationship with playwright and screenwriter Sigal Avin, which also broke up.He has also talked on Israeli television that he was once in a same-sex relationship.