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    明星 埃里森·佩姬
    埃里森·佩姬 740
    出生地:美国,德克萨斯,雷富希奥生日:1982-05-27 影人简介   Allison Paige (born May 27, 1982 in Refugio, Texas) is an American count
    • 中文名:埃里森·佩姬
    • 别名:未知
    • 性别:
    • 身高:未知
    • 体重:未知
    • 地区:未知
    • 星座:双子座
    • 血型:未知
    • 生日:1982-05-27
    • 出生地:美国,德克萨斯,雷富希奥
    • 职业:未知
    • 毕业院校:未知
    • 代表作品:邪恶力量 第十二季 爱狗人士 越野飞驰 出人头地 
      Allison Paige (born May 27, 1982 in Refugio, Texas) is an American country music singer. Paige began performing in clubs in Texas with Whiskey River when she was 11 years old. She later joined the dancehall band Rhythm of the Road. Her first single, a cover of Skeeter Davis' "The End of the World", was released by Capitol Records Nashville and peaked at number 72 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in May 2000.  Paige's debut album, End of the World, was released by Lofton Creek Records in June 2004. A music video was filmed for the first single, "Send a Message."